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Created Date: 12/2/2011
Last Updated: 12/2/2011
Description: SRC folder Partial Synergy/DE implementation of the Microsoft System namespace TEST folder Test programs that exercise the System namespace MAILIT.DBL An example of using the SmtpClient class FTPIT.DBL An example of using the FTPClient class
Platforms: Windows
Products: Synergy DBL; Synergy .NET; Workbench
Minimum Version: 9.5.1
Author: William Hawkins

Additional Information: SRC folder Partial Synergy/DE implementation of the Microsoft System namespace

TEST folder Test programs that exercise the System namespace

MAILIT.DBL An example of using the SmtpClient class FTPIT.DBL An example of using the FTPClient class STRINGTEST.DBL An example of using the String.Format method StopMessage.dbl Show a "press any key to continue" mesage with a countdown

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